Pitch Perfect Pecorino

22 Jan 2024

Roxan is located in the heart of Abruzzo, standing guard over the Pescara river valley, on a hill made up of layers of clay, sand and gravel soil. They are exposed to the air of the Gran Sasso and Majella Massifs, mitigated by air from the Adriatic seaside. 

The village is called Rosciano and was a natural home to the indigenous vines which, today, are cultivated in the 1,000 ha Abruzzo vineyard area. Shielded from the harsh cold and heat, the region produces fantastically balanced wines.

The Pecorino that you find in this month’s case is not a cheese but a fine, characterful, irresistibly fruit-driven white wine from the Abruzzo hills where sheep (pecore) have roamed since time immemorial. A superb food wine which drinks beautifully with fish and fowl, and salty cheeses like Feta, Halloumi and Pecorino!


Wish List

Pecorino, Noi Cento Roxan, 2022

Refreshing, fruity with character

MIX6 £12.50 £13.39
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