Sensible Drinking

At Weavers we will always promote drink less and drink better. 

What is Moderate Consumption?

It is difficult to lay down strict guidelines as to what constitutes 'moderate consumption' - this will depend on your age, size, sex, health and how and when you consume alcohol, as both the speed of consumption and drinking with food will effect the absorption of alcohol. Guidelines are daily, rather than weekly as you should not 'save up' units and drink heavily at weekends This is defined as binge drinking which increases your blood pressure and the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Please, Drink in Moderation

Moderate consumption of alcohol may improve health and prolong life for the general population, as scientifically demonstrated by hundreds of studies on drinking. The major benefit of moderate alcohol consumption is the reduction of heart attacks, our most common killer and ischaemic attacks (strokes). The beneficial effect of alcohol lasts for approximately 24 hours, hence the message is to drink moderately and regularly.

Department of Health Guidelines

Advice from the Department of Health and from the Scottish Executive is that women should drink no more than two to three units a day and no more than 14 units in total for the week. For men no more than three to four units a day and no more than 21 units in total for the week. It’s also better NOT TO DRINK AT ALL before driving, or before vigorous sport or exercise.

PLEASE, Think before you Drink


- Drink and Drive
- Operate machinery, use electrical equipment or work at heights after drinking
- Drink heavily before playing sport
- Drink while on certain medications - ask your Doctor if you are unsure
- Binge drink - it can lead to health and other problems

Remember, some employers have very strict guidelines on alcohol consumption at work.

Useful Links and Help

You can get more information about alcohol and advice on sensible drinking from your GP or practice nurse. You can also get the following leaflets from the Department of Health.

- 'Think about drink'
- 'Alcohol: Facts for young people and parents'
- 'Alcohol: The facts' (in English and five Asian languages)
- 'Your drink and you' (for African-Caribbean communities).
- 'Cutting down on drinking'

For more information please follow the links below: